Leading specialists in compressed air

Nationwide consulting, installation and design

​At Dansk Trykluft Industri, we have technicians all over the country, so you can easily and quickly receive expert advice, service and installation of compressed air compressors and everything related to this.

SEPREMIUM Oil/Water-Separators

​The PURO AND SEPREMIUM is designed to separate oil from condensate that is extracted from compressed air systems.

The PURO condensate separator covers compressor capacities up to 8 m³/min. Polypropylene has the perfect effect on oil. It attracts oil and captures it, almost as if it draws oil like a magnet.

That simplicity and our technology are at the root of the PURO's efficiency to clean virtually all types of condensate, emulsified or not.

The typical output oil residue value is less than 10 ppm. All PURO models can accept condensate discharge from intelligent drains, timer drains, float drains and manual drains.

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Dansk Trykluft Industri A/S


Erhvervsparken 3, 4621 Gadstrup


​Essen 11B, 6000 Kolding

CVR: 16971189

Contact us

☎ Telephone: 56 21 71 00

✉ E-mail: mail@dti-trykluft.dk

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Erhvervsparken 3
4621 Gadstrup


Essen 11B

6000 Kolding